Natural hydrogen exploration under the Pyrenees using a 3D multicomponent seismic array with autonomous nodes

In recent years, the world has witnessed a surge in research and development of renewable energy technologies, ranging from solar and wind power to geothermal and biomass solutions. These innovative approaches undoubtedly hold the key to reducing our carbon footprint, yet several of them require the extraction and utilization of scarce minerals, leading to potential environmental degradation and geopolitical complexities. A potentially game-changing alternative has emerged on the horizon - Natural hydrogen. Mainly generated by geological processes, Natural H2 has been observed with different degrees of purity as surface seepages or occasionally in wells targeting other resources. Although some distinct natural processes are known to generate hydrogen, exploring for it and understanding its presence remain a challenging task due to the lack of geological models and geophysical data.


Read the poster presented at AGU 2023

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